Statistical patch to gnuplot

The complete documentation of the new stats command
The `stats` command calculates basic summary statistics for a data set,
 displays them in human-readable form and (optionally) makes them available
 as gnuplot variables.

       stats {<ranges>}
             {"<datafile>" {datafile-modifiers}}
             {[no]output} {variables[=prefix]}

 Permissible data file modifiers are `index`, `every`, and `using`, all of
 which behave exactly as for the `plot` command. Up to two columns can be
 specified with `using`, and inline transformations are available (same as
 for `plot`).

 The `stats` command will only consider data points which fall into the
 plot range as defined inline or using `set xrange` and `set yrange`. If a
 value in either column falls outside of its corresponding range, the entire
 record is skipped and does not contribute to any of the summary statistics.

 By default, the results will be printed to the screen, or to the destination
 specified using the `set print` option. Output can be supressed using the
 `nooutput` directive. (This can be useful when only assignment to variables
 is desired - see below.) If gnuplot detects output to a non-interactive
 terminal, output is formatted in a way that is intended to be easy to parse
 by another program (name/value pairs).

The results of the calculation can be assigned to user-defined variables in
 the current gnuplot session using the `variables` directive. The `variables`
 directive can take an optional prefix after an equality sign. If such a
 prefix is found, it is prepended to the names of the variables in the
 current session. Unless the `variables` keyword is found (with or without
 a prefix specification), no assignment to variables is made.

 Quantities calculated (and their variable names, without prefix):

       records : number of valid records found
       invalid : number of invalid records found
       blank   : number of blank lines found
       blocks  : number of data blocks in the file (separated by double blank lines)

       mean_*   : mean
       stddev_* : standard deviation
       sumx_*   : sum of all values
       sumx2_*  : sum of the squares of all values

       min_*         : minimal value
       min_pos_*     : the position of the minimal value
       lo_quartile_* : lower quartile
       median_*      : median
       up_quartile_* : upper quartile
       max_*         : maximum value
       max_pos_*     : the position of the maximum value
 In the variable names, the `*` is replaced by `x` (for the first or sole
 column) or `y` (for the second column).

 For min, max, median, and quartiles, the `stats` command also reports on
 the position in the file at which the value was found. In the corresponding
 variables, the `*` is replaced by `pos_x` or `pos_y`. Note: the value
 reported in this way is the number of the record in the data set. This is
 not necessarily the same as the line number in the data file if the file
 contains comment lines, blank lines, or invalid or unreadable records!
 Furthermore, gnuplot silently skips invalid records, unless an explicit
 `using` directive with parenthesized columns has been issued like this:
 `using ($1):($2)`. With a using directive such as: `using 1:2`, the number
 of invalid records reported by the `stats` command will always be zero.
 (See the section on `plot using` for more details.)

 If two columns have been specified with the `using` directive, then the
 following additional quantities are calculated:

       slope       : slope in a linear regression model
       intercept   : intercept in a linear regression model
       correlation : linear correlation coefficient
       sumxy       : sum of x and y values ('dot product')
 All variables and their values can be seen using the `show variables all`
 The `stats` command is not available in polar or parametric mode, or when
 logarithmic axes are in effect.


       stats 'data' out
       stats 'data' noout var
       stats 'data' index 0 using 1:2 out
       stats [1:10] 'data' using 1 every ::1::12
       stats [0:10] 'data1' using ($1*$1) noout var=dat1

 If the results have been assigned to variables, then these variables can
 be used in subsequent `plot` or other commands:

       stats 'data' using 1:2 noout var
       plot 'data' using 1:( ($2-mean_x)/stddev_x ) w lp

 or (showing the original data together with its linear regression):

       stats 'data' using 1:2 noout var=d_
       plot 'data' using 1:2, d_slope*x + d_intercept

 See: `plot` for details on the `index`, `every`, and `using` directives.