
Any serious user of metaclasses has been bitten at least once by the infamous metaclass/metatype conflict. Here I give a general recipe to solve the problem, as well as some theory and some examples.



def _generatemetaclass(bases,metas,priority):
    trivial=lambda m: sum([issubclass(M,m) for M in metas],m is type)
    # hackish!! m is trivial if it is 'type' or, in the case explicit
    # metaclasses are given, if it is a superclass of at least one of them
    metabs=tuple([mb for mb in map(type,bases) if not trivial(mb)])
    metabases=(metabs+metas, metas+metabs)[priority]
    if metabases in metadic: # already generated metaclass
        return metadic[metabases]
    elif not metabases: # trivial metabase
    elif len(metabases)==1: # single metabase
    else: # multiple metabases
        metaname="_"+''.join([m.__name__ for m in metabases])
    return metadic.setdefault(metabases,meta)

def makecls(*metas,**options):
    """Class factory avoiding metatype conflicts. The invocation syntax is
    makecls(M1,M2,..,priority=1)(name,bases,dic). If the base classes have 
    metaclasses conflicting within themselves or with the given metaclasses, 
    it automatically generates a compatible metaclass and instantiate it. 
    If priority is True, the given metaclasses have priority over the 
    bases' metaclasses"""

    priority=options.get('priority',False) # default, no priority
    return lambda n,b,d: _generatemetaclass(b,metas,priority)(n,b,d)



I think that not too many programmers are familiar with metaclasses and metatype conflicts, therefore let me be pedagogical ;)

The simplest case where a metatype conflict happens is the following. Consider a class A with metaclass M_A and a class B with an independent metaclass M_B; suppose we derive C from A and B. The question is: what is the metaclass of C ? Is it M_A or M_B ?

>>> class M_A(type): 
...     pass
>>> class M_B(type): 
...     pass
>>> class A(object):
...     __metaclass__=M_A
>>> class B(object):
...     __metaclass__=M_B
>>> class C(A,B): 
...     pass 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

The correct answer (see the book "Putting metaclasses to work" for a thought discussion) is M_C, where M_C is a metaclass that inherits from M_A and M_B, as in the following graph, where instantiation is denoted by colon lines:

M_A     M_B
 : \   / :
 :  \ /  :
 A  M_C  B
  \  :  /
   \ : /

However, Python is not that magic, and it does not automatically create M_C. Instead, it raises a TypeError, warning the programmer of the possible confusion. The metatype conflict can be avoided by assegning the correct metaclass to C by hand:

>>> class M_AM_B(M_A,M_B): pass
>>> class C(A,B): 
...     __metaclass__=M_AM_B
>>> C,type(C)
(<class 'C'>, <class 'M_AM_B'>)

In general, a class A(B, C, D , ...) can be generated without conflicts only if type(A) is a subclass of each of type(B), type(C), ...

It is possible to automatically avoid conflicts, by defining a smart class factory that generates the correct metaclass by looking at the metaclasses of the base classes. This is done via the makecls class factory, wich internally invokes the _generatemetaclass function.

>>> from noconflict import makecls
>>> class C(A,B):
...     __metaclass__=makecls()
>>> C 
<class 'C'>
>>> type(C) # automatically generated metaclass
<class 'noconflict._M_AM_B'>

In order to avoid to generate twice the same metaclass,, they are stored in a dictionary. In particular, when _generatemetaclass is invoked with the same arguments it returns the same metaclass.

>>> class D(A,B):
...     __metaclass__=makecls()
>>> type(D) 
<class 'noconflict._M_AM_B'>
>>> type(C) is type(D)

Another example where makecls() can solve the conflict is the following:

>>> class D(A):
...     __metaclass__=M_B
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

Here the problem is that since D inherits from A, its metaclass must inherit from M_A and cannot be M_B.

makecls solves the problem by automatically inheriting both from M_A and M_B:

>>> class D(A):
...     __metaclass__=makecls(M_B)
>>> type(D)
<class 'noconflict._M_AM_B'>

In some case, the user may want M_B to have the priority over M_A. This is easily done:

>>> class D(A):
...     __metaclass__=makecls(M_B,priority=True)
>>> type(D)
<class 'noconflict._M_BM_A'>

_generatemetaclass automatically skips unneeded metaclasses,

>>> class M0(type): pass
>>> class M1(M0): pass
>>> class B: __metaclass__=M0
>>> class C(B): __metaclass__=makecls(M1)
>>> print C,type(C)
<class 'C'> <class 'M1'>

i.e. in this example where M1 is a subclass of M0, it returns M1 and does not generate a redundant metaclass _M0M1.

makecls also solves the meta-metaclass conflict, and generic higher order conflicts:

>>> class MM1(type): pass
>>> class MM2(type): pass
>>> class M1(type): __metaclass__=MM1
>>> class M2(type): __metaclass__=MM2
>>> class A: __metaclass__=M1
>>> class B: __metaclass__=M2
>>> class C(A,B): __metaclass__=makecls()
>>> print C,type(C),type(type(C))
<class 'C'> <class 'noconflict._M1M2'> <class 'noconflict._MM1MM2'>

I thank David Mertz for help in polishing the original version of the code. This version has largerly profited from discussion with Phillip J. Eby.

These examples here have been checked with doctest on Python 2.3b1.