List comprehension ===================================================== This episodes explains how to implement a functional list comprehension syntax in Scheme. The difference with Python list comprehension is also explained. Moreover, I have decided to distribute the code create for this series as a library: .. _7: .. _8: .. _9: .. _11: .. _14: .. _15: .. _SRFI-26: .. _SRFI-1: The APS library ----------------------------------------------------------------- The R6RS standard provides a few list utilities; the SRFI-1_ provides a few others. Nevertheless the offering is incomplete: in particular a list comprehension syntax is missing. Therefore I have decided to distribute a library providing list comprehension and more. Such library will be useful for future episodes of my *Adventures*, in particular for part IV, about advanced macro programming. After all, macro programming is nothing else than manipulation of code seen as a nested list of expressions. .. image:: aps_lib_03.jpg With a remarkable lack of fantasy, I have decided to call the library ``list-utils`` and to put it in a package called ``aps`` (``aps`` of course stands for *Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland* and not for *American Physical Society* ;). In this way I will be contributing to the entropy and I will be littering the world with yet another version of utilities that I would rather not write, but this cannot be helped :-( For your convenience, I have added in the library the Python-style utilities ``range``, ``zip``, ``transpose``, ``enumerate`` I did discuss in episodes 7_ and 8_, as well as the ``let+`` list destructuring macro I introduced in episode 15_. I have also added the reference implementation of SRFI-26_ i.e. the ``cut`` and ``cute`` macros described in episode _14. Moreover, the ``aps`` package contains the testing framework discussed in episode 11_, renamed as ``(aps easy-test)`` and slightly improved (the improvement consists in the addition of ``catch-error`` macro, which captures the error message). Finally, the ``aps`` library includes a more recent version of ``sweet-macros`` than the one I discussed in episode 9_, so you should replace the old one if you have it. You can download the package from here: Just unzip the archive and put the files somewhere in your path:: $ cd $ unzip inflating: sweet-macros.sls inflating: aps/cut.sls inflating: aps/easy-test.sls inflating: aps/list-utils.sls ... You can test the library as follows:: $ ikarus --r6rs-script aps/ ......................... Run 25 tests. 25 passed, 0 failed Currently all the tests pass with the latest development version of Ikarus. They also pass with the latest development version of Ypsilon and with PLT Scheme version 4, except for the test ``zip-with-error``: :: (test "zip-with-error" (catch-error (zip '(a b c) '(1 2))) "length mismatch") However, this is an expected failure, since the error messages are different between Ikarus, Ypsilon and PLT Scheme. Clearly, checking for an implementation-dependent error message is a bad idea and I could have thought of a better test, but I am lazy; moreover, I do not want to discuss the error management mechanism in Scheme right now, since it is quite advanced and it is best deferred to future episodes. Larceny Scheme is not supported since it does not support the ``.IMPL.sls`` convention. When it does, it could be supported as well, expecially if I get some help from my readers. If you are wondering about the so-called ``.IMPL.sls`` convention, let me explain that it is a non-standard convention to enable portability about different R6RS implementations. In particular the ``aps`` library contains three modules ``compat.ikarus.sls``, ``compat.mzscheme.sls`` and ``compat.ypsilon.sls`` following the convention. When I write ``(import (aps compat))`` in Ikarus, the file ``compat.ikarus.sls`` is read; when I import ``(aps compat)`` in PLT, the file ``compat.mzscheme.sls`` is read; and finally for Ypsilon the file ``compat.ypsilon.sls`` is read. This mechanism allows for writing compatibility wrappers; for instance, here is the content of ``compat.mzscheme.sls``: .. code-block:: scheme #!r6rs (library (aps compat) (export printf format gensym pretty-print) (import (rnrs) (only (scheme) printf format gensym pretty-print))) Basically all decent Scheme implementations provide ``printf``, ``format``, ``gensym`` and ``pretty-print`` functionality, usually with these names too, but since they are not standard (which is absurd IMO) one is forced to recur to do-nothing compatibility libraries, which just import the functionality from the implementation-specific module and re-export it :-( You can try the ``(aps list-utils)`` library as follows:: > (import (aps list-utils)) > (enumerate '(a b c)) ((0 a) (1 b) (2 c)) Notice that you should consider the ``aps`` libraries as experimental and subject to changes, at least until I finish the series, in an indetermined and far away future ;) Implementing list comprehension ----------------------------------------------------- The most important facility in the ``(aps list-utils)`` library is a syntax for list comprehension. Perhaps list comprehension is not the greatest discovery in computer science since sliced bread, but I find them enormously more readable than ``map`` and ``filter``, which I use only in the simplest case. Nowadays, a lot of languages offer a syntax for list comprehension, starting from Haskell to Python, Javascript and C#. Scheme does not provide a list comprehension syntax out of the box, but it is a simple exercise in macrology to implement them. Actually there are many available implementations of list comprehension in Scheme. There is even an SRFI (SRFI-42 `Eager Comprehensions`_) which however I do not like at all since it provides too much functionality and an ugly syntax. Therefore, here I will pursue a different approach to list comprehension, which is shamelessly copied from the work of `Phil Bewig`_, with minor simplifications, and the usage of ``let+`` instead of regular ``let``. .. image:: list-comprehension.jpg Here is the implementation :: (def-syntax list-of-aux (syntax-match (in is) (sub (list-of-aux expr acc) #'(cons expr acc)) (sub (list-of-aux expr acc (var in lst) rest ...) #'(let loop ((ls lst)) (if (null? ls) acc (let+ (var (car ls)) (list-of-aux expr (loop (cdr ls)) rest ...))))) (sub (list-of-aux expr acc (var is exp) rest ...) #'(let+ (var exp) (list-of-aux expr acc rest ...))) (sub (list-of-aux expr acc pred? rest ...) #'(if pred? (list-of-aux expr acc rest ...) acc)) )) (def-syntax (list-of expr rest ...) #'(list-of-aux expr '() rest ...)) We see here the usage of an helper macro ``list-of-aux`` and the usage of an accumulator ``acc`` to collect the arguments of the macro. You may understand how it works by judicious use of ``syntax-expand``; for instance ``(list-of-aux (* 2 x) '() (x in (range 3)))`` expands into :: (let loop ((ls (range 3))) (if (null? ls) '() (let+ (x (car ls)) (list-of-aux (* 2 x) (loop (cdr ls)))))) which builds the list ``(0 2 4)``, since ``list-of-aux`` expands to the list constructor ``cons``. Here are a few other test cases you may play with: .. code-block:: scheme (test "double comprehension" (list-of (list x y) (x in '(a b c)) (y in '(1 2))) '((a 1) (a 2) (b 1) (b 2) (c 1) (c 2))) (test "double comprehension with constraint" (list-of (list x y) (x in (range 3)) (y in (range 3)) (= x y)) '((0 0) (1 1) (2 2))) (test "comprehension plus destructuring" (list-of (+ x y) ((x y) in '((1 2)(3 4)))) '(3 7)) The macro is able to define nested list comprehensions at any level of nesting; the rightmost variables corresponds to the inner loops and its is even possible to implement constraints and destructuring: basically, we have the same power of Python list comprehensions, except that that the objects in the ``in`` clause must be true lists, whereas in Python they can be generic iterables (including infinite ones). .. _Eager Comprehensions: .. _Phil Bewig: A tricky point ----------------------------------------------- On the surface, the ``list-of`` macro looks the same as Python list comprehension; however, there a few subtle differences under the hood, since the loop variables are treated differently. You can see the different once you consider a list comprehension containing closures. In Scheme a list comprehensions of closures works as you would expect:: > (define three-thunks (list-of (lambda () i) (i in '(0 1 2)))) > (list-of (t) (t in three-thunks)) (0 1 2) In Python instead you get a surprising result (unless you really know how the ``for`` loop work):: >>> three_thunks = [(lambda : i) for i in [0, 1, 2]] >>> [f() for f in three_thunks] [2, 2, 2] The reason is that Python is not really a functional language, so that the ``for`` loop works by *mutating* the loop variable ``i``: since the thunk is called after the end at the loop, it sees the latest value of ``i``, i.e. 2. The same is true in Common Lisp if you use the LOOP macro. In Scheme instead (and in Haskell, the language that invented list comprehension) there is *no mutation* of the loop variable: at each iteration a new fresh ``i`` is created. You can emulate in Python what Scheme does for free by using two lambdas:: >>> three_thunks = [(lambda x : (lambda : x))(i) for i in [0, 1, 2]] >>> [f() for f in three_thunks] [0, 1, 2] (another way of course is to use the well know default argument trick, ``lambda i=i: i``, but that is not a direct translation of how Scheme of Haskell work by introducing a new scope at each iteration). On the other hand, Python wins on Scheme for what concern polymorphism: in Python is it possible to iterate on any iterable without any effort, whereas in Scheme you need to specify the data structure you are iterating over. For instance, if you want to iterate on vectors you need to define a ``vector-of`` macro for vector comprehension; if you want to interate on hash table you need to define an hash-table comprehension macro ``hash-table-of``, and so on. Alternatively, you must convert you data structure into a list and use ``list-of``. This is annoying. In Python on the contrary there is a common protocol for all iterable objects so that the same ``for`` syntax can be used everywhere. The list comprehension defined here only works for finite iterables; Python however has also a generator comprehension that works on potentially infinite iterables. Scheme too allows to define infinite iterables, the so called *streams*, which however are a functional data structure quite different from Python generators, which are imperative. Discussing streams will fill the next episode. For the moment, have patience!