Hello Earthlings, On my computer there is interference with extraterrestial communications. Recently the quirkies are on the move again. Nine times every life cycle they move back to their planet near NYC117-JR, a star of class U-VII. I picked up one of communications from their "handbook on humanoids," the essential guideline for the transcedental quirkies, issued by the Source-Sponge, a gigantic self-sufficient brain on the home planet. I thought I might share this with you. (I first reported the existence of quirkies at a conference in Poland in 1992. They just laughed.) Chapter 236/QX: Sexual Innuendos of the Third Kind. The Human Civilization has Reached the Level where Not all Attention Has to be Devoted to Survival and Reproduction. However, Humanoids has Not Yet Redirected Human Attention to Global Causes. Instead Humanoids Generated Culti around Primary Objectives, the Death Cultus (and Other Survival Derivatives) and Sexual Invitations. The Latter is Sub-Divided in Explicit Sexual Invitations, Implicit Sexual Invitations, Or Innuendos of the Second Kind, which do Not Lead to Actual Intercourse, But to a Balanced Local Inter-Human-Relations- which-Require-Major-Attention. The Inter-Human-Relations- which-Require-Major-Attention have a Important Sub-Class called Love. Thirdly, Sexual Innuendos of the Third Kind which are References to Sexual Segregation. Stemming from the Primary Objectives, Humanoids Feel the Need to Determine the Sex of Any Humanoid within the Sensor Range Instantly. The Sexual Innuendos of the Third Kind Fulfill this Need, and Are Subject to Regional Tradition. Sexual Innuendos of the Third Kind Serve No Purpose in the Reproductive Cycle as No Significant Change in the Human Fysiology is Measured, However, the Binary-Sex- Recognition is the First of Brain-Switches which Determine the Potential of a Relation. The Brain-Switches are Culturally Contexted. The Full-Potential-of-a-Relation Brain-Switch Takes At Most Nine Primary-Brain-Cycles, While Inter-Human-Relations- which-Require-Major-Attention Invitation-Rejection Cycle can Take Up to 512 Primary-Brain-Cycles, which Show that the former are Caustic Brain Waves, and the latter Oscillatory Brain Waves. The Former Strengthen the Status-Quo, while the Latter are the Result of Inconsistent Cultural Stimuli. However, those without hadronic string-anomaly propagators, will walk on foot in Howgills this Sunday: 1) Up the highest top of the Howgills; the Calf 676m, down at the east side via the waterfall Cautley Spout. 18km, 700m ascent. 2) A bit along the river, into the low parts of the Baugh area, along a number of waterfalls and back over the east feet of Howgills. 16km, 300m ascent. 3) Starting outside Sedbergh, at the Lincoln Inn bridge, along the Dales way north up the Calf and down directly into Sedbergh. 13km, 600m ascent. 4) Also starting at the Lincoln Inn bridge, along the Dales way in the other direction, along the river Rawthey and back through the fields. 14km, 50m ascent Yours (not-a-trekkie), Norbert PS since autumn is here I will return shortly to the more basic, existentialistic mood, leaving the summer themes behind.