My lovely cuddly guinea-pig, Directly after the Chernobyl, Ground Zero nuclear test range, and Muiruroa come the salty marshlands on the west coast of England for being heavily polluted with radioactive waste. All from -in the name of money- Sellafield. (A trademark of Britain Corp.) Next Sunday afternoon will bring us out on these salty marshland when we cross the bay under guidance of the local guide, if the conditions allow us. Before that we will scan the area; forests, dunes, hills, and fields. In order to cross the bay wear some old, but well fitted, shoes, not made of leather. The water will stay below your knees. (If you are tall enough, sic.) The rotten fish smell can be removed by washing the shoes in ample hot water with soap. (Legs have to be amputated.) If the weather (and the guide) does not allow us to taste mud, we will walk around the Morecambe area a bit longer. The final schedule is available on Saturday when you're footy-spotting, or Sunday, since I will not make two complete sets of walks just in case. Final wishes can only be dealt with well in advance, hesistance on the day is frowned upon. The original schedule does not allow for other walks than across the bay. (However....) Your local radiation expert, N. PS The week after is the last official hike, by train, to Hathersage (25 May). For those without, or too much, exam stress we have two extra hikes. The first Sunday (1 June) brings us to Buxton into the hidden dales. We go out with a Bang from Bury on the eight day. Both by the remnants of the great British Empire: the train.