Publications Page of Norbert Ligterink

Papers by Norbert Ligterink

"Feynman Diagrams and Light-Cone Time-Ordered Diagrams,"
Norbert E. Ligterink and B.L.G. Bakker,
Theory of Hadrons and Light-Front QCD,
ed. St. D. Glazek, World Scientific 1995, p. 218.

"Equivalence of Light-Front and Covariant Field Theory"
N.E. Ligterink and B.L.G. Bakker,
Phys. Rev. D 52 , 5954 (1995).

"Water in papier"
Norbert E. Ligterink,
de RESTAURATOR, van de VAR. (1995, Vol.2 p.85).

"Renormalization of Light-Front Hamiltonian Field Theory,"
N.E. Ligterink and B.L.G. Bakker,
Phys. Rev. D 52 , 5917 (1995).

"Light-front Hamiltonian field theory; covariance and
Norbert E. Ligterink,
Ph.D. Thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
Thesis defence: 23 September 1996.

"The Ground State of the Nonlinear Sigma Model (O(4)_ 3+1 ),"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R. Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 63 (1998) 667-669.

"A Coupled-Cluster Formulation of Hamiltonian Lattice Theory:
The Nonlinear Sigma Model,"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R. Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Annals of Physics 267 , 97 (1998).

"Coupled Cluster Studies of Chiral Meson Field Theories:
the Nonlinear Sigma Model on the Lattice,"
R.F. Bishop, N.E. Ligterink, and N.R. Walet,
Condensed Matter Theories. Vol. 14 (to be published).

"The O(4)_ d+1 Nonlinear Sigma Model:
the vacuum state and the mass gap,"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Confinement III (to be published).

"The Extended Coupled Cluster Treatment of Correlations
in Quantum Magnets,"
J. Rosenfeld, N.E. Ligterink, and R.F. Bishop,
Phys. Rev. B 60, 4030 (1999).

"Solving Multiloop Feynman Diagrams Using Light-Front Coordinates,"
N.E. Ligterink,
Phys. Rev. D 61 (2000) 105010.

"A Hamiltonian Many-Body Approach to SU(N) Lattice Gauge Theory,"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B 83-84 (2000) 956.

"A Many-Body Treatment of Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory,"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Nucl. Phys. A 663&664 (2000) 983c.

"Towards a Many-Body Treatment of Hamiltonian Lattice
SU(N) Gauge Theory,"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Ann. Phys. 284 (2000) 215-262.

"Phase Transition in the Transverse Ising Model Using the Extended
Coupled Cluster Method,"
J. Rosenfeld and N.E. Ligterink,
Phys. Rev. B 62 (2000) 308.

"The Field-Theoretical Coulomb Problem,"
N.E. Ligterink and B.L.G. Bakker,
submitted to Phys. Lett. B, hep-ph/0010167

"Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory,"
N.E. Ligterink,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
on Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum,
Vienna, 3-8 July 2000 (to be published).

"Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory,"
N.E. Ligterink,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
on Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum,
Vienna, 3-8 July 2000 (to be published).

"Quantum Phase Transitions and the Extended Coupled Cluster Method,"
N.E. Ligterink, N.R. Walet, and R.F. Bishop,
Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001) 037103.

"The Generalized Gell-Mann--Low Theorem for Relativistic Bound States,"
Axel Weber and Norbert E. Ligterink,
Phys. Rev. D 65, 02009 (2002).

"Constructing States and Effective Hamiltonians in Lattice QCD,"
N.E. Ligterink, in Quantum Monte Carlo: Recent advances and
common problems in condensed matter and field theory, Eds. M.
Campostrini, M. P. Lombardo, and F. Pederiva, (Edizioni ETS,
Pisa, Italy, 2001), p. 117.

"Fano theory for hadronic resonances:
the rho meson and the pionic continuum,"
N.E. Ligterink,

"Fano theory for hadronic resonances:
the rho meson and the pionic continuum,"
N.E. Ligterink,
p.400, pi N Newletter No. 16, 2002,
Proceedings of MENU2001.

"A simple plan for the Delta resonance,"
N.E. Ligterink,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 18 (2003) 421,
(Proceedings of the CMU PWA Workshop, Ed: C.A. Meyer).

"Three particle states and t-exchanges,"
Norbert E. Ligterink,
Proceedings of the NStar Workshop,
Pittsburgh, October 2002.

"Coherent bubble-sum approximation for coupled-channel
resonance scattering,"
N.E. Ligterink,
Phys. Rev. C 67,035203 (2003).

"Kinematical classification of two-pion production on the
N.E. Ligterink,