East - You can't distinguish a lot of details. Up - You can't distinguish a lot of details. The Great Gates Warmaster the Orc is standing here. A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh. Archamedes is standing here (Invisible). A sturdy pack horse is standing here. Diamonium the Orc is standing here. A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh. Enso the Orc is standing here. A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh. Neuromancer the Orc is standing here. A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh. Soron is standing here (Invisible). Warmaster leaves west. Hall of the Eastern Gate The fog disappears. Warmaster leaves north. Chamber of the Eastern Guard Warmaster leaves south. Hall of the Eastern Gate Exits: North East West. Warmaster closes the greatgates. Enso drinks water from a water skin Enso drinks water from a water skin Warmaster closes the gate. Warmaster leaves west. First Hall of Moria Warmaster leaves west. First Hall of Moria Warmaster leaves west. Broad Stair Warmaster leaves west. A Great Hall Warmaster leaves west. Durin's Bridge Warmaster leaves west. A Great Hall Warmaster leaves south. Small Alcove Warmaster closes the slab. Warmaster leaves west. Top of a Hidden Stair Warmaster leaves down. Hidden Stair The corpse of a cavern-wing is lying here. The corpse of a cavern-wing is lying here. Warmaster leaves down. Hidden Stair The corpse of a yellow fungus is lying here. Warmaster leaves down. Hidden Stair Warmaster leaves east. Hidden Stair A dripping yellow fungus hangs here, clinging to the crevices and walls. Neuromancer's sudden entrance has disturbed the sensitive blooms on the fungus, Warmaster leaves down. Hidden Stair Warmaster leaves down. Hidden Stair Warmaster leaves down. Hidden Stair Warmaster leaves north. Bottom of a Hidden Stair Warmaster opens the door. Warmaster leaves west. Ceremonial Hall Warmaster leaves north. Dark Road Warmaster leaves north. Dark Road Warmaster leaves west. The Royal Way Warmaster leaves west. The Royal Way Warmaster leaves west. The Royal Way Warmaster leaves north. The Royal Antechamber Warmaster leaves east. Vaulted Corridor North - Vaulted Corridor West - The Royal Antechamber Warmaster morrar 'muranog is ww or wwn of us' Warmaster leaves west. The Royal Antechamber Warmaster leaves west. The Throne Room Warmaster leaves north. The Great Throne Muranog, the High Lieutenant of Durin's Bane, stands here. A huge troll, with skin as black as pitch, glowers at you. A huge troll, with skin as black as pitch, glowers at you. A huge troll, with skin as black as pitch, glowers at you. The Throne Room North - The Great Throne East - The Royal Antechamber West - A closed 'mahogany' The Royal Antechamber Exits: East South West. The Throne Room Exits: North East West. The mahogany closes quietly. The mahogany seems to be closed. * Mana:Warm>open mahogany Ok. Warmaster has arrived from the east. Warmaster leaves east. The Royal Antechamber