WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2013/05/22 Summary: We observed 3 supernovae and 1 standard star. Here is a summary of observations: Name | z | B-Peak | 20130522 2013bo | 0.036 | 20130411 | 25,25,.. PTF13asv | 0.035 | 20130511 | 25,25,.. 2013bs | 0.0276 | 20130421 | 16,17,.. P330-E in JHKs at an airmass of 1.05 and 1.26. Observer: Anja Weyant Telescope Operator: Jenny Conditions: wind: 32 mph Humidity: 33.8 Temperature: 21.2 C Clear Seeing: 0.9-1.3" Moon: 95% Notes: KPNO did not need all of the scheduled time for T&E work so this half night was given to us last minute. We were able to take our first observations around 1am. The wind shake was bad at times resulting in bad seeing. Turned off guiding when observing P330-E since exposures are shorter. Guiding was over compensating for wind and made things worse.