WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/03/13 Summary: We observed 5 supernova, 1 host galaxy, and 2 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20140313 PS1-12bwh | 0.025 | 20121022 | 25, 25, … LSQ14ahm | 0.05 | 20140319 | 16, 25, ... LSQ14xi | 0.05 | 20140306 | 16, 25, ... LSQ14age | 0.06 | 20140312 | 16, 25, … PS1-14ra | 0.03 | 20140307 | 9, 16, … PSNJ15044009+1237540 | 0.03 | 20140310 | 9, 16, ... S791-C in JHKs at 1.6 and 1.26. P212-C in JHKs at 1.03 and 1.4. Observers: Anja Weyant, Michael Wood-Vasey, and Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Dave Summers Conditions: Wind: 14 mph Humidity: 57 Temperature: 11 C Seeing: 0.7-1.4 Moon: 94% Notes: Some minor complications with set up: Anja was sick and only able to do calibrations. Michael covered for Kara until she came back from out of town. This was a T&E night given to us. Dave ran some WTTM tests for a little over an hour then turned the telescope over to us around 8 pm MST and we had it until around 4:30 am. Took 506 images (minus ~30 that Dave took for testing)