WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/05/10 Summary: We observed 2 supernovae, 1 standard star, and 2 host galaxies. Name | z | B-Peak | 20140510 2014J | 0.000677 | 20140205 | 05,05,05 CSS140425:161024+470440 | 0.03 | 20140503 | 25,25,.. SN2013bq | 0.06 | 20130424 | 125,..,.. PTF13awy | 0.0538 | 20130518 | 103,..,.. P212-C in JHKs at 1.0 and 1.4 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Christian Soto Conditions: wind: 22-45 mph Humidity: 43 Temperature: 19.1 Seeing: ~1.5 Moon: 86% Notes: Used WTTM on 2014J by guiding on the supernova itself. Used WTTM on PTF13awy until it was too bright outside. Strong winds in the south/ south east dictated which targets I could look at. Most of my targets where in the southern direction. We had the power trip twice by trying to look in this direction. The only things left for me to look at were two host galaxies. With the seeing around 1.5, I observed them as long as I could in the filter with the shortest exposure time (J). Not included in the email: There are weird, comma-shapped contours that occur in the beginning of the evening and the contours are fairly round by the middle of the night. This has been occuring most nights and they have been working on it and plan to continue working on it in the upcoming T&E nights.