WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/05/23 Summary: We observed 6 supernova and 2 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20140523 2014J | 0.000677 | 20140205 | 05,05,05 2014aa | 0.01698 | 20140316 | 25,16,.. PSNJ15024996+4847062 | 0.026138 | 20140520 | 09,09,09 CSS140425:161024+470440 | 0.03 | 20140503 | 16,16,.. CSS140501-170414+174839 | 0.07 | 20140507 | 34,25,.. PS1-14xw | 0.02 | 20140505 | 09,16,16 P212-C in JHKs at airmass of 1.1 and 1.5 P330-E in JHKs at airmass of 1.3 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Krissy Reetz Conditions: wind: 10 mph Humidity: 56.4 Temperature: 8 Seeing: 0.5 - 1.5 Moon: 21% Notes: Tried to get host galaxy at beginning of night, but seeing was >1.2. Tried to get host at end of night, clouds rolled in and could not hold guider in that area. Lost 20 minutes because Behzod forgot to authorize permissions with WTTM code. Because of this unable to use WTTM on 2014J Cloudy at the beginning of the night, but cleared up in time to open regularly. Clouds started forming all over the sky between 2 and 2:30 MST. Was able to use WTTM for PSNJ15024996+484706 and CSS140501-170414+174839. Other fields had no guide stars or it was too cloudy. Had a few contours that were weird, but they seem to be improving.