WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/05/30 Summary: We observed 2 supernovae, 1 host galaxy, and 1 standard star Name | z | B-Peak | 20140530 PSNJ15024996+4847062 | 0.026138 | 20140520 | 09,09,09 ASASSN-14ay | 0.030869 | 20140521 | 09,09,.. PTF13asv | 0.035 | 20130511 | 74,..,.. P330-E in JHKs at 1.0 and 1.6 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Karen Butler Conditions: wind: 12 mph Humidity: 33 Temperature: 25 Seeing: .9 Moon: 6% Notes: Second half of the night. The first half observers finished before 12:25. Used WTTM on PSNJ15024996+4847062 and PTF13asv. ASASSN-14ay does not have a possible guide star in the field. They figured out the cause of the weird contours from before. The OAs have a command to run to compensate for the coma. The permanent fix will happen over the summer. PTF13asv has a 74 minute exposure due to WTTM problems. I lost 2 due to pausing my script (I think?) when we thought we lost the guide star, but I had an extra one from my first failed attempt with WTTM.