WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/06/03 Summary: We observed 3 supernovae, 1 host galaxy, and 1 standard star Name | z | B-Peak | 20140603 SN2013cb | 0.0541 | 20130512 | 96,..,.. iPTF14bdn | 0.01558 | 20140610 | 09,09,09 ASASSN-14ay | 0.030869 | 20140521 | 16,16,.. CSS140501:170414+174839 | 0.07 | 20140507 | 50,41,.. P330-E in JHKs at 1.4 and 1.0 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Christian Soto Conditions: wind: 4 mph Humidity: 22 Temperature: 27.5 Seeing: 1.1 Moon: 35% Notes: Some cirrus and high clouds Able to use WTTM for iPTF14bdn and CSS140501:170414+174839. No guide stars available for the other two. Failed to acquire 5 images throughout the night. After one of these failures, the next imaged looked like it had both exposure in the frame (double stars the correct amount apart for the dither). Plus one image got stuck on reading DHE which caused a loss of that exposure in the dither sequence. I occasionally have a failure to acquire but usually not so many and I have never seen the other two problems.