WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/10/12 Summary: We observed 3 supernovae, 1 host galaxy, and 2 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20141012 SN2013fj | 0.03357 | 20130910 | 75,75,.. iPTF14gdr | 0.07 | 20141005 | 41,50,.. SN2014dm | 0.033 | 20140928 | 25,25,.. SN2014J | 0.000677 | 20140205 | 09,75,.. P330-E in JHKs at 1.3 P161-D in JHKs at 1.5 Observer: Kara Ponder, Jessica Kroboth Telescope Operator: Dave Summers Conditions: wind: 7 mph Humidity: 66 % Temperature: 18 Seeing: 1.3" Moon: 73% Notes: No suitable guide stars for WTTM. Used http://www-kpno.kpno.noao.edu/cgi-bin/kpno-misc/wiyn/WTTMtooltest.pl as an indicator of guide stars. Works fairly well but it will sometimes suggest the galaxy as a guide star. Since 2014J is still visible but is very faint, we needed to slightly change the way we observe it. I ran a dither sequence on sky, then a 5 second dither sequence on the target in order to not saturate the star used for calibration, then I did the full 1 minute exposures for the amount of time we would need to expose for a good signal to noise. Once done I went back to the 5 second calibrating sequence and then back to a sky dither sequence. I ran out of time to do this for all three filters. We took 693 images. One image failed to read out.