WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2014/11/28 Summary: We observed 2 supernovae, 3 host galaxies, and 1 standard stars. Telescope was good. Detector performed well. Autofocus didn't quite live up. Name | z | B-Peak | 20141128 PSNJ10292799+2200468 | 0.05445 | 20141122 | 16,09,.. SN2014J | 0.000677 | 20140205 | 75,75,15 iPTF13dkj | 0.03 | 20130920 | 50,75,.. SNhunt206 | 0.027 | 20130913 | 75,..,.. PTF12iiq | 0.029 | 20120909 | 41,..,.. P525-E in JHKs at airmass 1.3 Observer: Michael Wood-Vasey Telescope Operator: Christian Soto Conditions: Clear. Wind: 10-20 mph Humidity: 30 % Temperature: 15-20 C Seeing: 0.7-1.4 Moon: 48% first half of night. Notes: Tried autofocus mode two times with WTTM. MWV wasn't happy with performance. Didn't appear to correct focus well enough.