WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2015/03/13 Summary: We observed 2 host galaxies and 2 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20150313 iPTF14bdn | 0.01558 | 20140610 | 43, 25,25 ASASSN-14ay | 0.030869 | 20140521 | ..,50,.. S791-C in JHKs at 1.4 P330-E in JHKs at 1.0 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Christian Soto Conditions: wind: 10.7 mph Humidity: 36 % Temperature: 14.2 C Seeing: 1", but was 3"-5" until 2 am Moon: 43% Notes: We had the second half of the night. Did not use WTTM because seeing was too bad and no candidate.