WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2015/03/23 Summary: We observed 3 supernovae, 2 host galaxies, and 3 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20150323 PSNJ08593491+4555343 | 0.028 | 20150316 | 16,16,16 PS15mb | 0.029 | 20150314 | 16,16,16 PS15mt | 0.071 | 20150324 | 41,50,.. SN2014aa | 0.01698 | 20140316 | ..,75,.. ASASSN-14ay | 0.030869 | 20140521 | 75,..,.. S791-C in JHKs at 1.4 P212-C in JHKs at 1.2, 1.05 P330-E in JHKs at 1.01 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Dave Summers Conditions: wind: 6.3 mph Humidity: 17.5 % Temperature: 10.4 C Seeing: 0.8" Moon: 19% Notes: Had some troubles starting up because the DHE was not on. We used WTTM on PSNJ08593491+4555343, PS15mb, and PS15mt. WTTM not initially showing movement in the x-axis. Dave called Charles who thinks there is a loose cable. Contours looked a little weird all night. Dave thinks there might be some mechanical oscillation that caused them. We took 588 images.