WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2015/04/09 Summary: A good night. 2 supernovae, 1 host galaxy, and 1 standard star. Had second half of night. Name | z | B-Peak | 20150405 PS15sv | 0.033 | 20150402 | 16,16,16 SN2015G | 0.004750| 20150401 | .9,13,18 SN2014aa | 0.01698 | 20140316 | ..,..,75 S791-C in JHKs at 1.3,2.4 Observer: Michael Wood-Vasey Telescope Operator: Karen Butler Conditions: Clear wind: 10-20 mph Humidity: 20-40% Temperature: 8-14 C Seeing: 0.7-0.9" Moon: 69%, rose at 23:44 MST Notes: * Loaned 1st-half observer 10 minutes. Will repay tomorrow night. But also a bit of paying it forward given the kindness the previous night. * WTTM on PS15sv, SN2015G * Time on SN2015G was overkill, but was last target of the night and just kept pushing until the OA made be stop. * Karen mentioned that when the wind is at just the right speed, the GPS system vibrates back and forth quite vigorously on its mast. Should check to see if this affects PWV measurements. * 339 total images taken.