WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2015/05/01 Summary: We observed 2 host galaxies and 2 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20150501 PS1-14rx | 0.06 | 20140316 | ..,100,.. LSQ14xi | 0.05 | 20140306 | ..,66,.. P212-C in JHKs at 1.0 S791-C in JHKs at 1.3 Observer: Kara Ponder, Jess Kroboth, and Cat Fielder Telescope Operator: Doug Williams Conditions: Partly cloudy wind: 4.0-8.5 mph Humidity: 34.6 % Temperature: 16.5 C Seeing: 0.8-1.3 Moon: 97% Notes: We had the first half of the night. Files are located in the "FielderKroboth" directory. Image 12 is named "dark" but should be "flat"; image 1 of P212-C is named "flat" but should be "obj" No good candidate for WTTM on either host galaxy We took 309 images.