WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2015/10/04 Summary: We observed 1 host galaxy and 1 standard star. Name | z | B-Peak | 20151004 ASASSN-15fs | 0.02902 | 20150401 | 75,..,.. P330-E in JHKs at 1.35 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Dave Summers and Anthony (new OA) Conditions: wind: 25 mph Humidity: 80-100 % Temperature: 11.6 C Seeing: 2.5" Moon: 45% Notes: Calibration GUI not working Early in the night a lot of clouds, high humidity, and dust. Clouds cleared out, but humidity when over 90% Closed around 21:40 MST due to high humidity. Never opened again. We took 196 images.