WIYN 3.5m WHIRC Observing Report for 2015/11/27 Summary: We observed 3 host galaxies and 2 standard stars. Name | z | B-Peak | 20151127 iPTF14gdr | 0.07 | 20141005 | 175,..,.. PS1-12bwh | 0.025 | 20121022 | 75,..,.. PSNJ08593491+4555343 | 0.028 | 20150316 | 75,100,50 P525-E in JHKs at 1.25 P161-D in JHKs at 1.45 and 1.1 Prop-ID: 2015B-0347 Observer: Kara Ponder Telescope Operator: Christian Soto Conditions: Clear wind: 20.8 mph Humidity: 34 % Temperature: 3.1 C Seeing: 1.-2.5 Moon: 92 % Notes: Extra T&E night given to us. We had to power cycle the DHE before calibrations, but we had no other problems. Seeing was over 2 arcseconds at the beginning of the night. It went down to 1.5" but continued to fluctuate the whole night. See log for more details. We took 688 images.