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  Title File Name
1 Air Track Introduction to Graphs P110-1.pdf
2 Ballistic Cart: 2d Kinematics P110-2.pdf
3 Measurement of "g" on an Inclined Air Track P110-3.pdf
4 Circular Motion and Centripetal Acceleration : Ball and String Experiment P110-4.pdf
5 Work-Energy: Loop the Loop P110-5.pdf
6 Racing Air Carts ( impulse-momentum) P110-6.pdf
7 Angular Dynamics: the Angular Acceleration Machine and the Inertia Batons P110-7.pdf
8 Conservation of Linear Momentum: Collisions an the Air Track P110-8.pdf
9 Moment of Inertia and Angular Momentum P110-9.pdf
10 Double Spring Oscillator an the Air Track P110-10.pdf
11 Explorations of Simple Harmonic Motion and Pendulums P110-11.pdf
12 Newton's Second Law Experiment: Hanging Mass on an Air Track P110-12.pdf
13 Equilibrium and Tension Forces P110-13.pdf
14 Bernoulli's Equation and Pitot Tube P110-14.pdf
15 Ideal Gas Law and Boyles Law P110-15.pdf